Drunk Driving Lawyers What to Do After a DWI or DUI


To be charged with a DUI in California is not a joking matter. It does not matter if you do not have a record of being a drunk driver, you could still face consequences and serious penalties that may change your life. The consequences of drunk driving are many such as jail time, court-ordered fines, license suspensions, etc. A record of a DUI under your name could affect your chances of getting insurance, jobs, or even leasing out residential properties as DCSDefense explains in their video “Can I Refuse A Breath Test In California?” If you are facing a DUI charge, the best cause of action to take is to hire a drunk driving lawyer to represent you and get your charges dropped.

If you are pulled over by the authorities on suspicion of DUI, you should make sure not to exhibit suspicious mannerisms.

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The authorities will need to find a probable cause in order for them to arrest you, but when they do not find any cause for arrest, the DUI charge against you will be dropped. You should also ensure that your car is in perfect condition before driving. Not only with this make sure that you are safe on the road, but also prevents the police from justifying the initial traffic stop.

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