Small businesses are becoming embroiled in more legal battles than ever before. Studies have shown that 58% of American small businesses had a legal issue of some kind last year — and in the last two decades, the number of employee lawsuits has risen by an astonishing 400%.
So what do you do if your small business is facing employment law claims or another type of legal conflict?
You technically don’t have to hire an attorney for small business — but there is an overwhelming number of reasons why you should always hire an experienced business litigation lawyer.
To learn more about what a business litigation attorney can do for you, here are the top four ways that hiring a business litigation lawyer can help you win your case:
1. Answers to your questions: If you choose to represent your small business in court on your own, you might find that most legal literature and information on the web is either non-specific or unrelated to your current legal issue. A business litigation or employment claims lawyer can provide the best answers to your questions that are individualized and specific — taking out all the guesswork.
2. A solid defense: Employees sue for a wide variety of reasons. From personal injury to discrimination, there are almost countless ways your small business can come under fire in business litigation. To make sure your business, and your livelihood, isn’t taken down in an employee lawsuit, you should hire a business litigation lawyer to help defend your side of the case.
3. Fair settlements: A lawsuit can take a devastating toll on your business’ financial status if you don’t have a good defense. As a result of hiring a business litigation lawyer, however, you’ll be able to get a better settlement outcome that you’ll be able to handle.
4. Years of experience: Most business litigation attorneys today have years of experience with working alongside small businesses in court. They choose to represent small businesses because they believe in their success — and with this kind of legal representation behind you, you’ll be confident that the outcome in your business litigation will be favorable. More.