A Look At Personal Injury Cases In The United States

Columbia personal injury law firm Hurt by another driver Workers compensation lawyer

If you have been hit by a car or hurt by a car (as the two often go hand in hand, unfortunately), you are not alone. Here in the United States, there are as many as six million car accidents in just one year alone. It is typical for more than thirty thousand deaths to result from these accidents in that same span of time, and even more injuries. For those who have become seriously injured in what is ruled to be a preventable car accident, it is worth looking into your entitlement to works compensation as well as other types of compensation.

If you are owed works compensation, it is likely that you have not been able to work because of the injuries that you have sustained. This can cause a significant period of financial instability that it can be difficult to get back out of, as with more medical bills piling up but no income coming in, debt is quick to accrue. Fortunately, If you have been hit by a car or hurt by a car (as the two often go hand in hand, unfortunately), you are not alone. Here in the United States, there are as many as six million car accidents in just one year alone. It is typical for more than thirty thousand deaths to result from these accidents in that same span of time, and even more injuries. For those who have become seriously injured in what is ruled to be a preventable car accident, it is worth looking into your entitlement to works compensation as well as other types of compensation.

If you are owed works compensation, it is likely that you have not been able to work because of the injuries that you have sustained. This can cause a significant period of financial instability that it can be difficult to get back out of, as with more medical bills piling up but no income coming in, debt is quick to accrue. Fortunately, works compensation can result from a personal injury case, and is even likely to be awarded to you if the driver of the other was is found to be at fault for the accident. Getting works compensation can make a world of financial difference in the aftermath of a serious accident, and it is well worth looking into. A personal injury attorney can help you to navigate the legal world if you are unfamiliar with it, as most people are. And the potential payout is far from insignificant. In the state of South Carolina, for example, a works compensation payment can exceed eight hundred dollars – for every single week. This is more than enough for the typical family to keep going, even if it is far from enough to live lavishly.

Many car accidents are unfortunately caused by drunk driving or driving while otherwise intoxicated under other substances, both legal and illegal. Drunk driving causes two injuries every minute in the United States alone and in the state of South Carolina, someone becomes injured in a car accident every nine minutes, with a car accident itself occurring every four minutes. This makes South Carolina a state that sustains more car accidents than the norm, and in fact the state has a rate of car accidents (more than fifty four thousand in a year) that exceeds the national average by more than sixty percent. But drunk driving is not a problem that is isolated to the state of South Carolina. No, drunk driving is widespread throughout the United States, and it is estimated that more than three hundred thousand people take to the road while intoxicated in the span of just one day. Unfortunately, of these drunk drivers, four thousand or less are actually arrested during this same length of time. It is even estimated that the repeating drunk driver will drive drunk as many as eighty times before ever being pulled over.

Works compensation is also likely to be granted to you when you sustain a serious and impairing injury while you are on the job – and there are some jobs that you are more likely to sustain an injury on than others. Take the profession of nursing, for example. Not everyone gives nursing the credit it is do, but nursing is an incredibly difficult and often complicated job requiring a huge amount of dedication and time commitment, as nurses work just as long of hours as the typical doctor does, sharing an equal load of the burden of work seen in any given hospital. In the state of South Carolina, the profession of nursing is by and large the most dangerous profession to be a part of, and injuries sustained by nurses make up more than ten percent of all of the work related injuries that are sustained throughout the state.

If you feel that you have a solid personal injury case, hiring a personal injury law firm is advised, as they can provide you with a skilled personal injury attorney. Works compensation can make your life a whole lot easier, but it’s important to note that you must seek it out.

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