Important Steps to Take After a Car Accident

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Having an automobile gives people freedom to travel almost anywhere they want. That being said, this freedom doesn’t come without some degree of risk. Unfortunately, there are many common causes of automobile accidents. Statistics show that the three most common causes of automobile accidents occurring throughout the United States include speeding, drunk driving, and distracted driving. While it’s not something you want to think about, it’s important to be prepared for these types of situations. In this post, you’ll learn the necessary steps to take after being involved in an automobile accident.

Someone Should Make Contact with the Police

It’s best if someone contacts the local police after an accidents take place. This doesn’t mean that you can expect a police officer to arrive. There can be situations in which your accident might not be a priority. This is often determined by whether or not anyone is seriously injured and the extent of vehicle damage.

However, it’s best to go ahead and make contact with the police. Without someone to divert traffic, this could create the potential for another vehicle to smash into your automobile. Contacting the police ensures they can arrive to accidents where severe damage causes vehicles to become inoperable. In turn, officers can arrive and begin to direct traffic away from your accident.

Exchange Information with Other Driver

Regardless of whether the police arrive on the scene of your accident or not, you’ll want to ensure you exchange information with the other party or parties. It’s best to get as much information as possible. You’ll at least want to ensure that you receive the name, insurance information, and driver’s license number of the other party.

Knowing When to Seek a Lawyer

Unfortunately, not all vehicle accidents are fender benders between two parties. In certain situations, it’s best to seek out a car accident attorney immediately. If two parties are unable to agree on who is at fault and to what degree, attorneys are often contacted. It’s also common for an attorney to be hired if the car accident in question caused severe injuries or death to anyone involved in this incident. You’ll also want to contact a lawyer if the other party doesn’t have insurance.

You can also contact a lawyer if you feel that the police report incorrectly reports details or leaves out important information. If you’re unsure of whether you have a potential case, consider contacting an auto accident attorney’s office. In the event that you have a potentially legitimate case, you’ll likely be scheduled to receive a consultation appointment.

In summary, it’s important to understand the steps you’ll need to take after being involved in a car accident. If you’re injured or serious damage occurs, it’s important to contact a car accident lawyer. In fact, statistics show that 52% of all personal injury cases result from automobile accidents. Certain minor incidents can be adequately resolved between two parties. In other situations, it’s best to hire a lawyer to provide you with legal representation.

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