The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not play games when it comes to lead-based paint abatement. So much so that the organization fined three North Dakota home renovation companies for violating EPA’s lead-safe requirements. JH and JH Properties of Fargo, Clooten Siding and Window of Bismarck, and Buechler Construction of Bismarck reached an agreement with the EPA over the alleged violations. The settlement comes after joint inspections conducted by the EPA and the North Dakota Department of Health through Fargo and Bismarck in 2015. The inspections analyzed compliance with the lead-based paint Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP Rule).
The purpose of the RRP Rule is to protect occupants and residents from toxic lead hazards that may occur during renovation activities where lead-based paint is involved. The rule requires that anyone working in such conditions have lead renovator training and have lead renovation certification. Furthermore, contractors working on homes built prior to 1978 must be EPA lead certified to test for lead in paint. If lead is present, they must implement lead-safe work practices to reduce chances of exposure.
The alleged violations each company faces include conducting work pre-1978 homes without having lead abatement training and being an EPA RRP-certified firm. The businesses also failed to inform both property owners and the public of possible lead hazards. There was also not a worker with lead rrp certification assigned to the project. Furthermore, there were inadequate records demonstrating RRP compliance followed by failure to comply with lead-safe work practices to reduce lead exposure.
The importance of lead renovator training goes beyond protecting those working in environments where lead is exposed. Lead exposure in young children age six or younger can have significant effects on their development. So much so that children with lead poisoning are seven times more likely to drop out of school once they reach high school age.
Most at risk for lead exposure are infants, children, and pregnant women. Even at small levels, lead can have lifelong effects. Developmental impairment, learning disabilities, impaired hearing, and hyperactivity or behavioral problems can all occur as a result of lead poisoning.
The terms of the settlement state that JH andJH Properties will pay $2,000 in fines, Clooten Siding and Window will pay $2,800, and Buechler Construction will pay $2,1000. Examples such as this are perfect reasons of the importance of lead renovator training in the work environment and the consequences if not present. Protect both the environment and your health with proper education on the effects of lead.