JAG Attorney Life vs Civilian Attorney Life


This video will show the differences between JAG and civilian attorneys. Becoming a Judge Advocate General (JAG) is an excellent idea if you want to practice law while working in the military. However, knowing the differences between civilian and JAG attorneys will help you decide your preferred career path.

Civilian attorneys differ from military attorneys in their specialization.

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Practicing as a civilian attorney will likely limit you to the operation scope of the firm you represent. However, working as a JAG attorney will enable you to practice law in a more generalized purview. The military is, therefore, not the right place if you want to specialize in a specific branch of law.

It may also be beneficial to choose civilian law if you want to be paid by your number of working hours. As a JAG attorney, you will be required to work beyond your specified hours without expecting additional payment. Civilian attorney life will also enable you to determine the geographical location of your practice. JAG attorneys cannot decide on their practicing environment because they move according to military instructions. You may therefore have to engage in active combat if the military deploys you to a war zone.

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